Edusure – Best MA Economics Entrance Coaching in India

Jamia Millia Islamia conducts entrance exams for various programs, including M.A. Economics. Understanding the latest paper pattern is essential for effective preparation. Here’s a detailed overview for the academic year 2024-25:

1. Type of Questions:

– The entrance exams typically consist of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) or objective-type questions. The specific pattern may vary for different courses.

2. Duration:

– The duration of the entrance exam varies based on the course. It typically ranges from one to two hours. Candidates should manage their time efficiently during the exam.

3. Subjects and Sections:

– The exam syllabus is divided into sections or subjects based on the course applied for. Candidates must be familiar with the topics covered in each section.

4. Marking Scheme:

– Candidates should be aware of the marking scheme, including the number of questions, total marks, and the marks awarded for each correct answer. There may be negative marking for incorrect responses in some exams.

5. Medium of Exam:

– The medium of the entrance exam is usually English. However, for certain language-specific programs, the exam may be conducted in the respective language.

6. Sample Papers:

– To get a better understanding of the latest exam pattern, candidates are strongly advised to solve sample papers and previous years’ question papers. This helps in identifying the type of questions asked and improves time management skills.

7. Syllabus:

– The latest syllabus for M.A. Economics is available on the [official website](

8. Admit Card:

– Download and carry a printout of the admit card to the examination center. Details about the exam date, time, and venue are mentioned.

9. Results and Counseling:

– Exam results are declared on the official website. Qualified candidates are called for counseling based on merit.

Details for M.A. Economics Entrance Test:

– Faculty & Department:
– Social Sciences, Economics Department.
– Program Prospects:
– After completion, students can pursue research in Economics, Commerce, and Management. Job prospects include opportunities in Civil Services, TES, Research Institutions, Academics, and the Private sector.
– Entrance Test Summary:
– Objective/Multiple Choice
– Duration: 90 minutes
– Maximum Marks: 100
– Negative Marking: Yes
– Permissible Materials/Equipment:
– Black/Blue Ball Pen, HB Pencil


Detailed Syllabus for M.A. Economics Entrance Test:

Micro Economics:
Macro Economics:
Statistics and Econometrics:
Mathematical Economics:
Development Studies and Indian Economy:
Important Information:
– Utility Functions – Quasi-linear and Cobb-Douglas
– Demand functions, Supply functions, and market equilibrium
– Law of Demand and law of supply
– Theory of consumer behavior – Marshallian approach, Indifference curve approach
– Price effect, income effect, and substitution effect – normal, inferior, and Giffen goods
– Elasticity of demand and supply
– Consumer’s and Producer’s surplus
– Production functions — Quasi-linear and Cobb-Douglas, and Elasticity of Substitution
– Laws of Variable proportions and Returns to scale, Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution
– Cost functions, Short run and long run cost curves, Economies of scale
– Theory of Costs – Traditional and Modern theory
– Market Structure – Perfect competition, monopoly, Discriminating monopoly, Bilateral Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly
– Factor Pricing – Marginal productivity theory, Ricardian & Modern Theories of rent, Wage determination under perfect and imperfect competition, Theories of interest – Classical, Neoclassical and Keynesian theories of interest, Theories of profit – Dynamic theory, Risk and uncertainty theory, and Schumpeterian theory of profit.
– National Income Analysis: Measurement of National Income-output, Difficulties of Measurement
– Classical Theory of Output & Employment
– Keynesian Theory of Income and Employment
– Theories of Consumption: Absolute income hypothesis, Relative income hypothesis, Permanent income hypothesis, Life cycle hypothesis, Marginal efficiency of capital, Marginal efficiency of capital
– Investment, Multiplier and Accelerator.
– IS-LM Model
– Inflation, unemployment, and stagnation
– Demand pull and cost push inflation
– Philips curve and unemployment
– Business Cycle
– Frequency Distribution
– Measures of central Tendency- Mean, Median, Mode, Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean, Simple and weighted averages, group averages, moving averages.
– Measures of dispersion — Range, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance and Coefficient of variation
– Probability and Probability distributions
– Permutations and Combinations
– Probability functions
– Chi-Square, Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions
– Z, chi-square, t and F statistics
– Confidence interval, level of significance and Testing of Hypothesis
– Analysis of variance
– Index Numbers: Laspeyres, Paasche’s and Fisher’s index numbers, problems in constructing index numbers, splicing, base shifting, Adequacy Test
– Correlation Analysis- Simple, multiple, and Partial Correlation, Rank correlation
– Regression Analysis-PRF, SRF and Simple linear regression model and Estimation
– CLRM Assumptions and Violations
– Problems in OLS estimation
– Time Series Analysis: Components of time series, Methods of semi-averages, moving averages, and least squares


– Set Theory, Relations and Functions
– Limits, Continuity, Differential Calculus, and Integral Calculus
– Convexity and Concavity of functions
– Point of Inflection and saddle Point
– Optimization of Economic Functions- Single and multivariable functions, Constraint Optimisation
– Differential equations and Difference equations (Linear and First order)
– Market dynamics and Stability — Cobweb model
– Linear Algebra: Vectors, Determinants and Matrix
– Inverse of a Matrix, Rank of a Matrix, Orthogonalilty and Transformations
– Solutions of Systems of equations
– Léontief Input-Output models (Open and Closed)


– Growth and Economic Development, Sustainable Development
– Environmental and Resource Economics Environmental Degradation and Regulation
– Growth Models-Classical, Neo-Classical, Harrod-Domar Model
– Economics of Education, Education Planning and Finance, Education in India
– Features of Indian economy, Poverty, unemployment and Inequality
– Population and Demographic trends of India, Population policy
– Occupational Structure in organised and unorganised sectors
– Planning and Development- Indian Planning and Critical Issues for development
– Agriculture and Industry Policy in India- Pre and Post 1991 Scenario
– Public Goods, Private Goods and Market Failures
– Public Debt, Public Expenditure and Taxation
– Commercial Banking and Central Banking- Role and Functions
– Monetary policy and fiscal policy in India
– Theories of International Trade- Adam Smith, Ricardian and Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
– Terms of Trade, Gains from Free Trade, Protectionism versus Free Trade
– Theories of Balance of payments and Exchange Rate Determination
– Indian Foreign Exchange Market
– International Monetary System, World Bank, GATT/WTO, UNCTAD
– Financial sector reforms in India
– Globalisation and its impact on the Indian economy
– Results and Counseling:
– After the exams, results are declared on the [official website]( Qualified candidates are then called for counseling sessions based on their merit.
– For the most accurate and up-to-date information, candidates should regularly check the official website of Jamia Millia Islamia: [Jamia Millia Islamia Official Website](


This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of the entrance exam pattern for M.A. Economics at Jamia Millia Islamia. Regularly checking the official website ensures that candidates are well-prepared according to the latest guidelines. Good luck with your preparation!

EduSure has the best and the most structured programme to crack the Masters in Economics Entrance Exams. It’s a 12-year-old Institute with Rank 1 in DSE, JNU, IGIDR, and IIT amongst others consistently in the last few years.

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