IIT GATE Economics Course 2025

MA Economics Entrance Preparation

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IIT GATE Economics Course Description

EduSure’s IIT GATE Economics Course is meticulously crafted to facilitate your admission into esteemed institutions such as the IITs, Ashoka University, SNU, ISI, and CUET-PG Economics-affiliated colleges, including DSE, IGIDR, JNU, Hyderabad, GIPE, DTU, and other MA Economics programs with separate entrance exams like IIFT, MSE, and SAU.

EduSure students have consistently secured top ranks, achieving Rank 1 in GATE, IIT JAM, DSE, JNU, IGIDR, MSE, and various other institutions over several years.

Over the past three years, EduSure has maintained excellent results. The average salary packages from these institutions are impressive: IIT graduates earn 16 LPA+, ISI graduates 18 LPA+, DSE graduates 15 LPA+, IGIDR graduates 13 LPA+, IIFT graduates 11 LPA+, and MSE graduates 11 LPA+.

EduSure’s IIT GATE Economics program offers thorough preparation for all institutes providing the MA Economics program in India.

Click here to read all about IIT GATE Economics Entrance to know more details. Want to get access to IIT GATE Economics Past Papers and Answer keys?

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If you’re targeting CUET PG Economics and similar exams, our CUET Plus Course is the ideal choice for you!

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IIT GATE Economics Features

Course Features

24/7 Access on Student Portal

Latest Lectures on the Indian Economy

Unlimited Doubt Sessions

Access till 30th June of the coming year

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IIT GATE Economics Classes by EduSure

Econometrics CLRM Basics

Indian Economy - Agriculture Overview

National Income Accounting- Macro Economics

Mathematics - Functions Basic Theory

Micro Economics - Budget Line Basics

Statistics - Central Tendency

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MA Eco Course Syllabus

IIT GATE Economics Syllabus for XH-B1 (Reasoning and Comprehension):

This section assesses candidates’ ability to understand and interpret written information, crucial skills for research in Humanities and Social Sciences. It emphasizes critical reasoning and text analysis rather than language competence, similar to exams like LSAT, GRE, and GMAT. Questions include reading comprehension, expression, analytical reasoning, and logical reasoning.





C1.1 Microeconomics:

Theory of Consumer Behaviour: Cardinal Approach and Ordinal Approach; Consumer Preferences; Nature of the utility function; Marshallian and Hicksian demand functions; Duality Theorem. Slutsky equation and Comparative Statics. Homogeneous and Homothetic Utility Functions; Euler’s Theorem. The Theory of Revealed Preference: Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference and Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference, Theory of Production and Costs: Short-run and Long-run Analysis, Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Market Equilibrium: Walrasian and Marshallian Stability Analysis. The Cobweb Model, Decision making under uncertainty and risk. Asymmetric Information: Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard. Theory of Agency costs. The Theory of Search, Non-Cooperative games: Constant sum game, Mixed Strategy & Pure Strategy, Bayesian Nash Equilibrium, SPNE, Perfect Bayesian Equilibria., Theory of Firm: Market Structures Competitive and Non-competitive equilibria and their efficiency properties. Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm, Factor Pricing: Marginal productivity Theory of Distribution in Perfectly Competitive markets; Theory of Employment in Imperfectly Competitive Markets – Monopolistic Exploitation, General Equilibrium Analysis.
Welfare Economics: Fundamental Theorems, Social Welfare Function. Efficiency Criteria: Pareto-Optimality

C1.2 Macroeconomics

National Income Accounting: Closed Economy Concepts and Measurement and Open Economy Issues, Determination of output and employment: Classical & Keynesian Framework, Theories of Consumption: Absolute Income Hypothesis, Relative Income Hypothesis, Life Cycle Hypothesis, Permanent Income Hypothesis and Robert Hall’s Random Walk Model; Investment Function Specifications – Dale Jorgenson’s Neoclassical Theory of Capital Accumulation and Tobin’s, Keynesian Stabilization Policies, (Autonomous) Multipliers and Investment Accelerator, Demand and Supply of Money, Components of Money Supply, Liquidity Preference and Liquidity Trap, Money Multiplier, Interest Rate determination, Central Banking, Objectives, Instruments (Direct and Indirect) of Monetary Policy, Prudential Regulation, Quantitative Easing (Unconventional Monetary Policy), Commercial Banking, Non-Banking Financial Institutions, Capital Market and its Regulation, Theories of Inflation and Expectations Augmented Phillips Curve, Real Business Cycles, Adaptive Expectations Hypothesis, Rational Expectation Hypothesis and its critique. Closed Economy IS-LM Model and Mundell Fleming Model: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Efficacy. The Impossible

C1.3 Statistics, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics:

Probability Theory: Concepts of probability, Probability Distributions [Discrete and Continuous), Central Limit Theorem, Index Numbers and Construction of Price Indices, Sampling Methods & Sampling Distribution, Statistical Inferences, Hypothesis Testing, Linear Regression Models and the Gauss Markov Theorem, Heteroscedasticity, Multicollinearity and Autocorrelation, Spurious regressions and Unit roots, Simultaneous Equation Models – recursive and non-recursive. Identification Problem, Differential Calculus and its Applications, Linear Algebra – Matrices, Applications of Cramer’s Rule, Static Optimization Problems and Applications, Input-Output Model, Linear Programming, Difference equations and Differential equations with applications

C1.4 International Economics:

Theories of International Trade, International Trade under Imperfect Competition, Gains from Trade, Terms of Trade, Trade Multiplier, Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers to trade; Dumping and Anti-Dumping Policies, GATT, WTO and Regional Trade Blocks; Trade Policy Issues, Balance of Payments: Composition, Equilibrium and Disequilibrium and Adjustment Mechanisms, Foreign Exchange Market and Arbitrage, Exchange rate determination, IMF & World Bank.

C1.5 Public Economics:

Market Failure and Remedial Measures: Asymmetric Information, Public Goods, Externality, Regulation of Market – Collusion and Consumers’ Welfare, Public Revenue: Tax & Non-Tax Revenue, Direct & Indirect Taxes, Progressive and non-Progressive Taxation, Incidence and Effects of Taxation, Public expenditure, Public Debt and its management, Public Budget and Budget Multiplier, Tax Incidence, Fiscal Policy and its implications, Environment as a Public Good, Market Failure and Coase Theorem, Cost-Benefit Analysis.

C1.6 Development Economics:

Theories of Economic Development: Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, J. Schumpeter, W. Rostow, Balanced & Unbalanced Growth, Big Push Approach, Indicators of Economic Development: HDI, SDGs, MDGs, Poverty and Inequalities – Concepts and Measurement Issues, Social Sector Development: Health, Education, Gender, Fertility, Morbidity, Mortality, Migration, Child Labor, Age Structure, Demographic Dividend, Models of Economic Growth: Harrod-Domar, Solow, Ramsey, Technical progress – Disembodied & Embodied, Endogenous Growth Models.

C1.7 Indian Economy:

Economic Growth in India: Pattern and Structure, Agriculture, Industry & Services Sector: Pattern & Structure of Growth, Major Challenges, Policy Responses, Rural & Urban Development – Issues, Challenges & Policy Responses, Flow of Foreign Capital, Trade Policies, Infrastructure Development: Physical and Social; Public-Private Partnerships, Reforms in Land, Labour and Capital Markets, Poverty, Inequality & Unemployment, Functioning of Monetary Policy in India, Fiscal Policy in the Indian context: Structure of Receipts and Expenditure, Tax reforms- Goods and Services Tax, Issues of Growth and Equity, Fiscal Federalism, Centre-State Financial Relations and Finance Commissions of India; Sustainability of Deficits and Debt, The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act 2003, Demonetization and aftermath. India’s balance of payments, Composition of India’s Trade, Competitiveness of India’s exports, India’s exchange rate policy.

Class Timings

  • Monday to Saturday 7pm onwards 

Career After MA Economics

EduSure School is deeply committed to its mission and strongly advocates for students to pursue an M.A. in Economics due to its promising prospects.

Upon earning a Master's in Economics, graduates have the potential to:

A Master's in Economics provides a wealth of opportunities for students. It is regarded as one of the top career choices today, especially when compared to fields like CA/CS or engineering, where average salaries are often lower due to the high volume of students pursuing these disciplines.

Support & Assistance

Regular updates from the university provided consistently.
Discussion groups on WhatsApp and Telegram with peers.
Extra classes offered prior to entrance exams.
 24*7 support available via Email and WhatsApp.

Terms & Conditions

  • All course fees are subject to availability of offers and may change without notice.
  • Refund Policy:

    – Only 50% refund shall be provided within 7 days, once the student has taken a demo of the student portal and attended the trial classes.
    – Charges applied on Physical books if delivered or dispatched.
    – Charges applied on all attempted mock tests on student portal.
    NOTE- The final decision rests with EduSure Directors.

  • Content Policy: EduSure hold the rights to all its content. Anyone found sharing/duplicating/stealing the content will be prosecuted accordingly

Job Opportunities

after Masters in Economics

Consultancy Roles

Graduates can work as economic consultants, providing valuable insights to businesses, government agencies, private sector or non-profit organizations.

Data Science and Analysis

With strong analytical skills, economics graduates are well-suited for roles in data science, where they analyze and interpret complex datasets.

Finance and Banking

Opportunities abound in the financial sector, including roles in banking, investment analysis, or financial consulting.

Policy Analysis

Graduates can engage in policy analysis, working with government bodies or policy think tanks to shape and evaluate economic policies.


Teaching and research positions in universities or colleges offer a fulfilling path for those interested in imparting knowledge and contributing to academic advancements.

Research Positions

Many pursue careers in research, contributing to academic institutions, think tanks, or research organizations.

International Organizations

Organizations like the World Bank, IMF, and UN provides opportunities for economists to work on global economic issues.

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