Centre for Development Studies ( MA in Economics ) Through CUET PG Economics

The program aims to provide students with the tools to analyze modern economic issues, particularly related to development. It balances theory and practical application, fostering a diverse research community. Graduates are equipped with skills in economic theory, quantitative methods, and problem-solving, preparing them for careers in academia, government, journalism, business, and consulting. The degree is awarded by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.

Admission Procedure for MA in Economics

Admission is through CUET PG Economics Entrance Test

Eligibility Criteria for MA in Economics CDS

To be eligible for the MA Economics program at CDS, you need a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline. You should have at least 50 percent of marks under the 10+2+3 pattern. However, candidates from SC, ST, and Persons with Disability (PWD) categories are eligible, regardless of their percentage of marks in the qualifying degree. Additionally, if you are currently in the process of completing your final examinations, you can also apply for the program.

No. of Seats for MA in Economics CDS

There are a total of 25 seats available for MA in Economics students

Fees for MA in Economics CDS

The tuition fee for M.A students is Rs.8,000 per semester.

Economics (COQP10) Syllabus for CUET PG 2024


Consumer Theory:

Demand, Utility, Indifference Curve, Revealed Preference Theory, Consumer Surplus. Production Theory: Production Function, Law of Variable Proportions, Returns to Scale, Cost Function.

Price and Output Determination in Markets:

Perfect and Imperfect Competition, Monopoly, Price Discrimination, Monopolistic, Duopoly, and Oligopoly models, General Equilibrium, Efficiency, and Welfare.


National Income Accounting. Income and Output Determination: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, Effective Demand Principle, Classical and Keynesian Theory.

Money and Inflation:

Supply  and Demand of Money, Money Multiplier, Credit Creation, Role of Reserve Bank of India, Quantitative Theories of Money, Philip’s Curve, Monetary and Fiscal Policy of India.

Consumption and Investment Function:

Permanent, Relative, and Life Cycle Hypothesis, Multiplier and Accelerator.

Open Economy Models:

Mundell and Fleming Model, Balance of Payments, Exchange Rate Determination, Purchasing Power Parity.

Economic Growth:

Harrod-Domar Model, Solow Model.

Statistical Methods in Economics:

Mean, Mode, Median, Dispersion, Skewness, Quartile Deviation, Average Deviation, Standard Deviation. Correlation.

Mathematical Methods in Economics:

Sets and Vectors. Functions of one and several real variables, Single and Multi-variable optimization, Integration of functions.

Difference equations, Determinants, Matrix. Linear Programming, Probability, Differential Equations.

Indian Economy:

Overview of Colonial Economy: Macro Trends, Agriculture, Railways, and Industry, Economy and State in the Imperial Context.

New Economic Policy.

Public Economics: Public and Private Goods, Externalities, Budget, Deficits, Public Debt, Fiscal Federalism in India, Taxation.

International Trade Theories: Adam Smith, Ricardo, Heckscher-Ohlin model, and New Trade Theories.

A more detailed syllabus has been included in our Blogs.

CUET PG Entrance Exam Paper Pattern and Marking Scheme

1.This paper contains One Section. It contains Domain Specific area comprising of 75 MCQs


2.Total No of Questions- 75


3.Marking Scheme:

4 marks will be awarded for each correct response.
1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response.


Total Time Allotted : 105 Minutes

Placements after MA in Economics from CDS

CDS has a strong placement record with recruiters including KPMG, PwC, Deloitte, Nielsen, EY, JC Penny, J-Pal, Cognizant, and other reputable organizations.

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