Exclusive Course for

Only CUET PG Economics Preparations

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Special CUET Self Paced Course

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Course Description

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The CUET Special Course will help you get in the CUET-PG Economics affiliated colleges like DSE, IGIDR, JNU, Hyderabad, GIPE, DTU etc.

EduSure students have secured Rank 1s in DSE, JNU, IGIDR and other colleges in multiple years.

Average Salary Packages at DSE are 15 LPA+, at IGIDR 13 LPA+, JNU 8 LPA+, and so on

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EduSure CUET PG Economics 2025 Course Details

Special CUET Course

Course Features

24*7 Student Portal Access

Updated Lectures on Indian Economy

Unlimited Doubt Sessions

Access till the date of the exam

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Sneak Peak into EduSure Classes

Macroeconomics - Accounting in an Open Eco

Statistics - Measures of Central tendency

Mathematics - Set Theory Basics Basics

Microeconomics - General Equilibrium Basics

Special CUET Course 2025

Ace your CUET PG Economics 2025 Preparations with EduSure

CUET PG Economics


JNU SSS & SIS 2023




DSE 2022




JNU SSS & SIS 2021


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CUET Course Syllabus

Micro Economics

– Consumer Theory or Behavior:
– Demand Analysis
– Utility and Indifference Curve
– Revealed Preference Theory
– Consumer Surplus
– Production Theory:
– Production Function and its Types
– Law of Variable Proportions
– Returns to Scale
– Cost Function and its Types
– Price and Output Determination in Market:
– Perfect Competition
– Imperfect Competition: Monopoly, Price Discrimination, Monopolistic Competition, Duopoly, and Oligopoly Models
– General Equilibrium, Efficiency, and Welfare Economics
– Externality

Macro Economics

– National Income Accounting
– Income and Output Determination:
– Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
– Effective Demand Principle
– Classical and Keynesian Theory
– Money and Inflation:
– Demand and Supply of Money
– Money Multiplier and High-Powered Money
– Credit Creation
– Role of Reserve Bank of India and Commercial Banks
– Quantitative Theories of Money
– Philip’s Curve
– Monetary and Fiscal Policy of India and its Role
– Consumption and Investment Function:
– Permanent, Relative, and Life Cycle Hypothesis
– Determinants of Business Fixed Investment
– Residential Investment and Inventory Investment
– Multiplier and Accelerator
– Open Economy Models:
– Mundell and Fleming Model (IS, LM, and BP Curve)
– Balance of Payments
– Exchange Rate Determination
– Purchasing Power Parity
– Economic Growth:
– Harrod-Domra Model
– Solow Model

Statistical Methods in Economics

– Descriptive Statistics:
– Mean, Mode, Median
– Dispersion: Range, Quartile Deviation, Average Deviation, Standard Deviation
– Skewness
– Correlation and Regression:
– Simple Regression Model
– Probability Distribution
– Sampling

Mathematical Methods in Economics

– Basic Concepts:
– Sets and Vectors
– Functions of One and Several Real Variables
– Single and Multi-variable Optimization
– Integration of Functions
– Difference Equations
– Linear Algebra and Calculus:
– Determinants and Matrices
– Linear Programming
– Probability
– Differential Equations

Indian Economy

– Overview of Colonial Economy:
– Macro Trends: National Income, Population, Occupational Structure
– Agriculture: Agrarian Structure, Land Relations, Agricultural Markets, Performance and Productivity Trends, Famines
– Railways and Industry: Evolution of Entrepreneurial and Industrial Structure, De-industrialization Debate, Constraints to Industrial Breakthrough, Labor Relations
– Economy and State in the Imperial Context: Imperial Priorities, Economic Policies, Fiscal Policies, International Trade, and Capital Flows
– New Economic Policy:
– Public Economics: Public and Private Goods, Externalities, Budget, Deficits, Public Debt, Fiscal Federalism in India
– Taxation: Economic Effects, Deadweight Loss, Distortion, Efficiency, Equity Considerations, Tax Incidence, Optimal Taxation
– International Trade Theories: Adam Smith, Ricardo, Heckscher-Ohlin Model, New Trade Theories

Career After MA Economics

EduSure School takes it's job very seriously and encourages students to pursue M.A. Economics as the future of a Master's in economics student is very bright.

After an M.A in Economics one can :

All options are open to a student after a Master's in Economics. It is one of the best career option available to a student today in comparison to any other stream be it a CA/CS or an engineer where the average salaries are very low due to the excessive number of students.

Support & Assistance

Updates on exam registration deadlines and documents required
Peer WhatsApp and Telegram group for discussions
24*7 Doubt Resolution all around the year. Student Helpdesk Tool by EduSure.
Extra classes closer to the exam

Terms & Conditions

  • All course fees are subject to availability of offers and may change without notice.
  • Refund Policy:

    – Only 50% refund shall be provided within 7 days, once the student has taken a demo of the student portal and attended the trial classes.
    – Charges applied on Physical books if delivered or dispatched.
    – Charges applied on all attempted mock tests on student portal.
    NOTE- The final decision rests with EduSure Directors.

  • Content Policy: EduSure hold the rights to all its content. Anyone found sharing/duplicating/stealing the content will be prosecuted accordingly

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Job Opportunities

after Masters in Economics

Consultancy Roles

Graduates can work as economic consultants, providing valuable insights to businesses, government agencies, private sector or non-profit organizations.

Data Science and Analysis

With strong analytical skills, economics graduates are well-suited for roles in data science, where they analyze and interpret complex datasets.

Finance and Banking

Opportunities abound in the financial sector, including roles in banking, investment analysis, or financial consulting.

Policy Analysis

Graduates can engage in policy analysis, working with government bodies or policy think tanks to shape and evaluate economic policies.


Teaching and research positions in universities or colleges offer a fulfilling path for those interested in imparting knowledge and contributing to academic advancements.

Research Positions

Many pursue careers in research, contributing to academic institutions, think tanks, or research organizations.

International Organizations

Organizations like the World Bank, IMF, and UN provides opportunities for economists to work on global economic issues.

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CUET PG Economics

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